Immigrant Legal Services




Immigrant Legal Services




Access to justice has increasingly been seen as a tool for lifting people out of poverty. The rule of law empowers the poor by strengthening their voices, providing them access to justice, preventing violations of their rights, and ensuring due process.

Because poverty results from disempowerment, exclusion and discrimination, a fair, stable and predictable legal framework are necessary for creating an inclusive and equitable society.

This is why NIIC provides legal help, which helps contribute to an equitable society for those who are less fortunate.

NIIC requests legal partnerships with civil society groups,
pro-Bono legal firms and funding to carry out her mandate to reduce poverty. It’s ripple effects through easy access to legal services for the less fortunate of our society.

Resolving a legal problem requires self-confidence, knowledge, efforts and support and for People Living in Poverty.

However, NIIC cannot run this program without your support. If you or someone you know works in the legal sector and would like join our network, please sign up below. NIIC also takes donation to help fund the legal services that it offers to society’s most vulnerable.

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